
Welcome to the blog of writer M.G. Ainsworth who currently finds her muse to write after nine....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Paying it forward

Self publishing feels both a daring and daunting at times. I've taken my dream into my own hands and stepped off the time worn query the publishers path. I always liked the idea of taken the road less traveled. Stepping off the well traveled path, however, means learning how to be my own publisher. As a relative newbie I would have been overwhelmed if not for connecting with some wonderful web resources and fellow indie writers through my writers' group and some special website. I've formed friendships that I'm certain will last a lifetime. 

Over the past year I've gone from clinging to a life raft to avoid drowning in the self-publishing sea to treading water and I hope soon swimming with the fish (or at least the minnows) with the publication of my first novella The Cherub's Choice and full length novels Venus Vexed and SPF

One of the resources that has been a personal flotation device to me is the Writer's Guide to E Publishing or WG2E. From their daily blog to their resources I learn something new and useful daily. Their contributors come from a variety of genres and backgrounds. I'm also honored to be a part of the WG2E Viva La Valentine Anthology which will be published before the end of the month with a great group of other indie authors. 

If anyone reading this hasn't visited their site or is interested in self publishing I'd encourage you to click on the button I've added to my blog for the WG2E or the link at the bottom of this page and take a peek at what it has to offer. I'm fortunate I did!

Thanks for following,



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