
Welcome to the blog of writer M.G. Ainsworth who currently finds her muse to write after nine....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

From Baseball to Berries

Summer has been a rough time for writing for me, I must admit, and I have probably been the worst blogger in history with over a month since my last update. I wish I could report my absence has been due to being busy finishing SPF or starting Spiritual Baggage but that's not the case. I've had to prioritize, and family comes before the book. My husband has been travelling with the Corvallis Knights Baseball team leaving me with a 6 and 3 year old to take care of and a house and property to keep up when not working 40+ hours per week. We are blessed to have flower beds, a vegetable garden, 3 types of berry bushes and fruit trees. With my husbnad gone the upkeep for our endeavors falls to me. I am currently picking blueberries and raspberries every evening and watering corn, tomatos, beans, onions, peppers, sweet peas, roses, lillies, hydrangea, jasmine, peonies, columbine and hosta to name a few. By the time 9 PM rolls around I'm exhausted, but I've had the pleasure of growing foor for my table and watching my children learn where food comes from. I curl up in bed with my sweet children and am sound asleep by 9:30. I wake up at 5 AM for work and eat muffins made with fresh blueberries. I'm not writing but life isn't all bad. I anticipate picking up where I left off in the next few weeks as baseball comes to an end. In my limited spare time I've been writing short stories for both enjoyment and several competitions so I don't go crazy from lack of creative outlet. The Dream On anthology is about to be published and I will see my first short story in print.

Thanks for following and I promise I'll be writing after nine again soon. If you're ever in Oregon stop by for some fresh blueberry muffins or pick up a some home made jam.

